Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Conversations in Pregnancy Land

Jen: Babe, I really need you to empty out the nursery of all the crap we've piled up in there. I'm starting to get itchy about finishing the room.

Michael: We have plenty of time. Don't worry.

Jen: Plenty of time??? We're like 4-5 weeks out from having a baby in the house with us and we still need to paint the ceiling, get furniture and steam the carpets.

Michael: You don't need all that stuff done before the baby gets here. She'll spend time in our room and if we had to, we could finish up the room after she's born. Just relax.

In fact, it's probably better to just wait. I mean, in 5 weeks you'll be able to do it yourself.

Jen: ...


Nicole J @ Knocked Up said...

LMAO I can only imagine the look you gave him. I'm a little over 32 weeks and we are just starting to paint the nursery now. I have the furniture but it needs to be assembled. Time is flying by.

Irish Italian Blessings said...

LOL, this is awesome. I found you on Nicole J's blog too :)
Don't worry, you're not alone. Our "Nursery" still looks exactly like a guest room...maybe because it's filled with my husbands crap and a guest bed. Not one stinking thing having to do with a baby is officially in that room and we're due July 6th....awesome.

Lauren said...

Well good thing you're getting the landscaping done or you'd have to do that too!