Thursday, April 14, 2011

Making Great Strides

Y'all...the nursery is done!

If you consider this done:

Which some people may say is not exactly baby-ready, but I think is pretty close because The Bean can totally share the dog crate with Ginger (the thunderstorm freak out dog) and the two items I've been vying to have in the nursery from the word jumpstreet arrived yesterday.

So I'm all ready.

You're going to need to brace yourselves for the adorable.

First up, we have our polar bear bookends. These will be handy for holding up books AND throwing at visitors who overstay their welcome.

But this next item(s), I have been crushing on since I saw them in a store in San Francisco in January. Until I picked them up and saw the price. Then I was mad at them for at least 10 whole minutes. So I left them in the store to think about what they had done.

Instead I was the one left thinking (read: obsessing) for the past 4 months. So much so, that I not only paid the same price for them, but I also paid for shipping and handling! Yea!

But come on, can you even stand it?

While mostly a show piece, these are also going to be exceptional at poking out eyes, stabbing exposed, delicate flesh and teething (they're teak, so don't worry, the ducks will be fine).

Nursery: check.

1 comment:

Nicole J said...

My nursery is nowhere near done. All we have manage to do is move 80% of furniture out of the room. Hopefully this weekend we'll have it started AND done! But that depends on my friends schedule to if he can make it happen this weekend.

P.S. I LOVE the duckies and bears, they are worth obsessing over.